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What are PIES?

No, not your mince and cheese Kiwi classic...

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PIEs are - Portfolio Investment Entities. These are the regime under which most pooled New Zealand investments fall.

They have a top tax rate of 28% and will soon offer up an 11% difference for investors, which can significantly impact long-term compounding returns – not just for cash but also for shares and bonds.

Models show that if you're investing via term deposit at 5.5% or term PIE at 5.5%, with the same return profile, and you're a trust or a 39% taxpayer with PIE, you'll end up with 8% more gains after ten years.

Therefore, the structure or the product type you invest through really matters. Speak to Hallam Jones today for expert guidance.

Want to find out more? Simply give Mark Jones a call on 0800 404 202 or send him a message

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