Deciding whether or not to transfer your UK pension to NZ, as with all major financial decisions, requires careful thought and planning. Pension schemes are often complicated and made more so by the fact that the UK rules are changing constantly.
One of the main reasons we recommend transferring your pension savings to New Zealand is that it gives you greater control over your money and the ability to decide how your funds are invested. Having your funds invested in New Zealand dollars will help you to better understand your pension’s value in relation to your projected living costs in retirement. With your savings here in NZ, you can rest assured that your funds will be invested wisely and safely to ensure a smooth transition into retirement and a secure financial future.
The fact is, your retirement is inevitable. It may happen fairly soon or in several years or you may in fact already be there.
And once you have a plan in place, you need to review it regularly to ensure you stay on track and make any necessary changes. With the right advice and investments, you can be confident and well prepared for your future.
To help you understand the risks and benefits involved in bringing your UK pension to NZ, talk to our expert team today.
At Hallam Jones, we have no entry fees, no termination fees, no withdrawal fees, no switch fees and no transfer fees. Get in touch today about a FREE review of your QROPS funds.
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