Jennifer came to us after a divorce, looking to buy a home for herself and her two teenage children. After much searching, she found a 4-bedroom house perfect for her family's needs. Everyone had a bedroom each, and she could take in a boarder if necessary.
She had 350k in savings and needed another 300k with a flexible extension of 50k extra, which meant she was well under the 80% LVR.
This allowed us to secure her a better loan rate than what was on offer.
Additionally, a 1% cash-back gift paid the lawyers' fees, leaving a bit of leftover for Jennifer.
Since Jennifer had just turned 40 and was currently employed in an office-type position, we were able to get her a 25-year loan term with no issues.
As she was setting herself and her children up for the future, we recommended that she take the fixed term with a lower interest rate. This gave her a fixed amount she had to pay each week, and with the bank we chose, she was also able to increase her repayment figure by 5% of the loan value each week without penalty.
This will significantly shorten the term of her loan. Overall, this plan allowed Jennifer to buy a home that met her family's needs while also securing a favourable mortgage rate and repayment plan.
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